
Chances are if your home uses a septic system, you don’t think about it much. Like many household appliances, you likely only think about it when something goes wrong. Think of this post as Septic Systems 101. We’ll explain septic systems, how they work, and how to identify potential problems.


Your septic system helps deliver sewage out of your home. They are necessary for homes that aren’t connected to a city sewage line. Broken sewage lines present potential hazards as leaks can contaminate groundwater. 

If your home has a septic system, it’s important to know how frequently it’s pumped. Regular maintenance, like pumping the system, will help ensure that it lasts for years to come.


There are several pieces that go into making a septic system, and each requires special care.

  • The pipe that takes water from your home to the septic tank.
  • The septic tank itself, where the wastewater is stored and eventually turns into sludge.
  • What’s left of the wastewater is then drained into a drain field.
  • Soil, made from treated wastewater.


Like many home appliances, maintenance is key to making sure your septic system runs efficiently and lasts a long time. By maintaining your pipes you can:

  • Save money on bigger replacement costs later on.
  • Protect surrounding soil from being contaminated by potential leaks.
  • Prevent damage to your home that can be caused by a ruptured pipe.

There are some simple steps you can take to make things easier on your septic system. For example

  • Be careful about what goes down the toilet. It should be waste and toilet paper only! 
  • Don’t pour kitchen grease or similar fluids down the drain, which will harden and clog your pipes!
  • Make sure that landscaping steers clear of potentially damaging any underground pipes!

Bonus: Empty your drain field at least once every five years to prevent it from overflowing.


There are a few tell-tale signs to know if your septic system has been damaged. Here are some to look for:

  • Slow draining sinks and showers (or toilets)
  • A raw sewage smell
  • Plumbing fixtures not working


If you are having issues with your septic system, Trenchless Replacement Specialists are here to help! We can use our state-of-the-art equipment to inspect, diagnose, repair, and replace your pipes without digging! Make an appointment online or call us today at 432-580-7693.